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2024-2026 Strategic Plan

Our country plays a fundamental role in the Group’s strategic plan, which is why we are allocating 17.2 billion euros to Italy over the next three years. This number represents 49% of the total amount of the 2024-2026 plan, confirming that ours is and remains - with an increase of 2.9 billion euros over the three-year period 2021-23 - the core country of the company's business. 

The grid will see a very important economic commitment, almost doubling compared to the 2021-2023 three-year period (+47%), with 12.2 billion euros. The goal is both to accommodate the demand for flexibility by customers and to support the growth of renewables, which will see an investment of 2.9 billion euros. The focus on customer centricity, with an investment of 1,5 billion euros, half of the Group’s total investment dedicated to this front.


The Strategic Plan, presented at Capital Markets Day on November 22nd, 2023, is founded on three pillars:


• Profitability, flexibility and resiliency, with a selective allocation of capital to reduce risks and maximize returns;

• Efficiency and effectiveness, thanks to simplified processes, a leaner organization with clear accountability and a focus on core geographies, and cost discipline;

• Financial and environmental sustainability, the creation of economic value and the response to climate change challenges, will work in synergy to generate higher cash flows, cost rationalization and process optimization and to achieve our goal to close all coal plants (with the exception of Sulcis) in Italy by 2025 and reach zero emissions by 2040.